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Below is a list of the games we have developed so far! Click on the image cards to be taken to the places in which they can be downloaded.


Last One Standing: Royal Massacre

Last One Standing: Royal Massacre is a psychological horror/murder mystery visual novel that explores a different side of the classic no-escape storyline. After being abducted by a mysterious man who provides no name beyond "the King of the Competition" before ordering them to serve as his Court—the participants in his Royal Competition of Death, a challenge in which they will be forced to murder each other until one remains—fifteen unconnected people must figure out how to not only avoid untimely demise, but uncover the details of their situation and the King's motivation. This proves to be a much more difficult task than anticipated as perspectives clash, rifts form, and caution morphs into secrecy, raising the question of who can safely be trusted within their shared goals.

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